// 2. Lecture Series //
[+] Series: International politics
"Put yourself in the shoes of..."
> You can find more information here [+]
> Updated: 08.02.2024
[+] Series: Historical present day
"What we can learn from...?"
> You can find more information here [+]
> Updated: 20.10.2023
[+] Series: Geopolitics
"Geopolitical power striving and the consequences"
> You can find more information here [+]
> Updated: 29.07.2023
[+] Series: Dominance
"Politics and the desire for power. In the spirit of Machiavelli"
> You can find more information here [+]
> Updated: 29.10.2023
[+] Series: Propaganda
"Politics, Media and the Game of Fear and Power"
> You can find more information here [+]
> Updated: 29.10.2023
"Our decision-making reaches further
than our cognition". (Immanuel Kant)